Easy and convenient parking solutions

08 January 2022
Amara Kashif


Total Revolutionizing parking solutions

Parking has ever been a great issue but now Simplyture.com has established total parking solutions. With introducing these modern smart parking solutions all sort of parking either of shopping center, airport, hotel, hospital, residential, office or commercial parking journey has been made easy.

The total parking solutions are categorized as

  1. Hardware Solutions
  2. Software Solutions
  3. Payment Solutions


  1. Hardware Solutions:

       Hardware solutions include

  1. Payment machines

These payment machines provide smart payment solutions.

  1. ANPR cameras

ANPR cameras provide accuracy under all weather conditions.

  1. Infoscreens

Infoscreens provide information, greetings, and parking fee payment details.

  1. Infocom

Infocom is a self-help parking app to check payment details and issues related to license plates.

  1. Access control

Access control provides access to enter and exit the facility even outside opening hours.


  1. Software Solutions:

      Software solutions include strategies as

  1. SimplyAdmin

Through SimplyAdmin one can digitalize all key services related to parking facility.

  1. Data

This data collection software solution helps collecting data regarding parking activity.

  1. Integrations

Customer sign up to loyalty club and get integrate parking along with as member exclusive benefit.

  1. Validations

Parking validations for guest entries are available for shorter stays or for longer and planned stays.

  1. Payment Solutions

User-friendly convenient payment solutions are introduced.

  1. Bookings

Booking platform use to sell parking subscriptions through iframe to provide visitors best facility.

  1. Contract Management

Parkicar solution is to rent out and manage your facilities and subscriptions available for end-users, owners or operators


  1. Payment Solutions:

      Payment solutions include strategies as

  1. Payment machines

Payment machines make it possible to pay parking fee within 10 minutes without any hurdle.

  1. Mobile payment

With third party mobile friendly parking apps, transaction details will appear on mobile app as someone drive in parking area.


  1. Post-payment

It is to simplypay online after leaving the parking facility.

  1. Pre-payment

Pre-payment with parking subscriptions allow customer to freely drive in and out of the facility within said package limitations.


Simplyture’s total parking solutions are revolutionizing the parking trends in order to overcome parking challenges of the modern world.

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